FQAS 2023: Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Homepage: FQAS2023
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14113
FQAS 2021: Bratislava, Slovakia
Homepage: http://ifsa-eusflat2021.eu/fqas_conf.html
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12871
FQAS 2019: Amantea, Italy
Homepage: www.fqas2019.units.it
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
FQAS 2017: London, UK
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10333
FQAS 2015: Cracow, Poland
Homepage: http://fqas2015.ibspan.waw.pl/
Proceedings: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 400
FQAS 2013: Granada, Spain
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8132
FQAS 2011: Ghent, Belgium
Homepage: http://fqas2011.ugent.be/drupal6/
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7022
FQAS 2009: Roskilde, Denmark
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5822
FQAS 2006: Milan, Italy
Homepage: http://www.ir.disco.unimib.it/FQAS2006/home.html
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4027
FQAS 2004: Lyon, France
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3055
FQAS 2002: Copenhagen, Denmark
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2522
FQAS 2000: Warsaw, Poland
Homepage: http://viking.ibspan.waw.pl/fqas2000/
Proceedings: Advances in Soft Computing 7, Physica-Verlag Heidelberg New York, A Springer-
Verlag Company, 2001
FQAS 1998: Roskilde, Denmark
Homepage: http://dat.ruc.dk/fqas98/index.html
Proceedings: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1495
FQAS 1996: Roskilde, Denmark
Proceedings: Datalogiske Skrifter (Writings on Computer Science) 62, Roskilde University, 1996.
Book: Flexible Query Answering Systems. Includes selected papers from FQAS 1994 and 1996.
Springer Science+Business Media New York, 1997. (Originally published by Kluwer Academic
Publishers in 1997.)
FQAS 1994: Roskilde, Denmark
Proceedings: Datalogiske Skrifter (Writings on Computer Science) 58, Roskilde University, 1995
For further information, including list of papers for each FQAS conference, see the dblp Computer Science bibliography.
Conference website (to appear)
Call for papers (to appear)
General Chair
Local Chair
Sotir Sotirov, Assen Zlatarov University Burgas, Bulgaria
Program Chairs (to appear)